Socially responsible targeting

We want to donate a portion of our profits to non-commercial causes and support projects that we see as indispensable for the healthy society we want to live in.

We specifically want to support the workers of projects or organizations directly by funding their salary costs or the purchase of the equipment they work on.

At the same time, we want to raise social awareness of the importance of their work, which they do with the utmost professionalism but often without sufficient reward. The services that they run – usually much more cheaply than if they were provided by the state – are indispensable to society, whether it is hospice care, assistance for the homeless or mentally ill, or prevention programs for social phenomena such as drug addiction. But all this would not be possible without the democratic system in our country. That is why we also support projects that safeguard the stability of our democracy and develop civil society.

Eyedea supports social workers

Currently, we have chosen social service workers as the target of our support. These are mostly professionals with a college degree and several years of experience. We would like such experienced people not to have to leave their positions for jobs in the commercial sphere to be able to support their family financially.

Since 2017, we have regularly supported Green doors, an organisation that focuses on helping people with mental illness.

In 2017 and 2021 we supported Cesta domů Mobile Hospice. We think it's important to have the option to spend your last days with your loved ones.

Eyedea against corruption

Since 2017, we have annually supported the anti-corruption initiative Reconstruction of the State. We want to live in a country where success is achieved in a pure manner.

Eyedea for independent media

In 2020, 2021 and 2022, we supported the Foundation for Independent Journalism. We see independent media as one of the most important components of a democratic system

Our references